Best Time to Visit Cambodia: A Seasonal Guide for Travelers

Southeast Asia, with its tapestry of landscapes and legends, hosts the kingdom of Cambodia – a destination steeped in mystique and draped in the echoes of ancient civilizations. The allure of its temples, the vitality of its cities, and the untouched charm of its rural landscapes beckon travelers from across the globe.

This comprehensive guide to the best time to visit Cambodia, serves as a beacon to those planning to tread the hallowed grounds of this nation, offering insight into the best time to visit Cambodia, a land where weather weaves the narrative of travel.

The Dry Season (November to April)

Angkor Park dry season - The Best Time to Visit Cambodia

From November through April, Cambodia basks in a dry serenity that makes it the pinnacle of the tourist season. The absence of rain ushers in a period where the full grandeur of Cambodia can be embraced without the interruptions of the monsoon.

November to February: 

These months cast a spell of the most desirable climate. The temperature, agreeably mild, and the humidity, graciously low, conspire to offer the most comfortable conditions to discover the enigmatic ruins of Angkor Wat, wander through the bustling markets of Phnom Penh, or meander along the Mekong’s tranquil banks. This period, often celebrated for the cool northeast monsoon, sees the landscape remain lush, inviting explorers and cultural enthusiasts alike to unearth the country’s myriad treasures.

March to April:

As the dry season reaches its zenith, the temperatures progressively soar, inviting a warmer chapter of the year. Despite the rising heat, the landscapes still boast a lively green, a vestige of the rainy season past. This time is marred by heat, sometimes reaching the scorching heights of 40°C. However, it is also a period rich with cultural festivities, including the vibrant Khmer New Year. Visitors are treated to an authentic spectacle of local life, awash with color and tradition, offering a deeper understanding of the heart and soul of Cambodia.

The Rainy Season (May to October)

Virachey National PArk in Rainy Season - The Best Time to Visit Cambodia

Often misunderstood and unjustly overlooked, the rainy season reveals Cambodia in a different light – one of reflective surfaces, verdant foliage, and a pace of life that slows down to the rhythm of the falling rain.

May to June: 

With the arrival of the southwest monsoon, the rain makes its debut but does not yet take center stage, allowing travelers to bask in the warm afternoons and enjoy the sporadic, refreshing showers. This time serves as a prelude to the monsoon’s peak, presenting landscapes that slowly awaken to an emerald hue. The water levels in the Tonle Sap Lake begin to rise, and the rice fields start to flood, setting the stage for a different kind of beauty – one that is lush, alive, and teeming with birdlife.

July to September:

The heart of the rainy season is when Cambodia reveals its more contemplative side. The downpours become a daily occurrence, yet they follow a predictable rhythm, typically occurring in the afternoon or evening. This allows the morning hours to remain conducive for sightseeing. The water fills the moats around temples like Ta Prohm and Preah Khan, presenting a mirage-like reflection that seems to defy time and reality. For the photographer, the nature lover, or the seeker of solitude, this period is a dreamscape, offering a unique perspective on the country’s natural and man-made wonders.


This month signifies a transition, a gentle farewell to the rains and a subtle welcome to the cooler winds. It’s a time of change, where the high water levels in rivers and lakes can be navigated for unique travel experiences, and the countryside blooms with life before the dry season takes hold once again.

Transportation Considerations for Each Season

Transportation in Cambodia morphs with the seasons, each offering its narrative of travel, colored by the climate and the landscapes it traverses. Regardless of the weather Cambodias improving road networks, means it is always possible to reach your destination, whether by bus transportation, or private taxi, whether traveling from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, or Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville.

Dry Season: 

The dry months present the best conditions for overland travel. The roads, free from floods, become thoroughfares of discovery. Options are plentiful, from the classic bus journeys connecting major cities to the more intimate experiences of private taxi rides through the countryside, stopping at will to capture a photograph or engage with the locals.

Rainy Season: 

The monsoon, while posing challenges, also adds a dimension to travel. Buses and ferries adapt to the changing conditions, and journeys become about more than just destinations. They turn into opportunities to witness the raw beauty of Cambodia’s natural environment, from lush paddies to swollen rivers that teem with life.

Deciding on the best time to visit Cambodia is a matter of aligning one’s travel aspirations with the rhythmic patterns of the climate. 

The dry season is a canvas for the archetypal exploration of ancient ruins and vibrant cities. In contrast, the rainy season offers a deeper connection with nature, introspection, and the chance to see Cambodia in its most authentic, unvarnished state. 

Regardless of the choice, the planning must be intentional, respectful of the climate’s character, and open to the diverse tapestry of experiences that Cambodia weaves. To make sure your Cambodian adventure is magical, you can plan your Cambodia Travel easily and online at CamboTicket

With this guide to the best Time to Visit Cambodia, travelers can craft an itinerary that not only touches the landmarks but also the heart of Cambodia’s cultural and natural heritage, ensuring a story that unfolds with the wonder and wisdom of this ancient kingdom.