Discovering Cambodia on a budget

Discovering Cambodia on a budget, the timeless allure of a land steeped in ancient wonders, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes. This guide is your key to unlocking the secrets of affordable travel in this enchanting Southeast Asian destination. Whether you’re meandering through the mystical ruins of Angkor Wat, relishing the culinary delights of Phnom Penh, basking on the serene shores of Sihanoukville, or trekking in the lush jungles of Mondulkiri, Cambodia promises an adventure that’s as budget-friendly as it is unforgettable. Plus, with tools like Camboticket at your disposal, navigating this mesmerizing country has never been easier or more economical.

Money Info

The Cambodian currency is Khmer Riel, however ATMs also dispense USD and shops accept USD as well. A top tip is to use USD in modern supermarkets, but at smaller vendors and in tuk-tuks use Khmer Riel as it has smaller denominations. Interestingly, there are no coins in Cambodia and it is common if you pay in USD to receive your change in both Riel and USD.

Be aware that Khmer money, can be dirty, so wash your hands before eating and after handling money.

Embrace Local Transportation: The Tuk-Tuk Life

Tuk Tuk life - Discovering Cambodia on a budget

Cambodia’s local transport is not just affordable, it’s an adventure in itself! Tuk-tuks, the iconic three-wheeled taxis, or chariot like remorques pulled behind a scooter, are a cost-effective way to explore cities like Phnom Penh, Siem Reap Sihanoukville, Kampot and Battambang. Try using local Ride hailing apps like Grab, Passapp or Tada to avoid inflated tourist prices. Just be sure to get in the right tuk-tuk, by checking the number matches with the app.

For intercity travel, Camboticket is a great choice, simplifying your travel planning and presenting cheaper rates than on-the-spot booking. It offers online comparison and booking for buses, ferries, and private taxis, with popular routes between Phnom Penh and siem reap, siem reap and battambang, and phnom penh and sihanoukville, and even great value transport between Siem Reap and Bangkok, and Phnom Penh and Ho Chi Minh.

Savor Street Food Delights

Noodle soup - Discovering Cambodia on a budget

Cambodian cuisine is a hidden gem, known for its tantalizing flavors and wallet-friendly prices. Indulge in local dishes fro street vendors like fish amok, beef lok lak, or a bowl of steaming Khmer noodles.

Eating where the locals eat not only gives you an authentic taste of Cambodian culture but also significantly cuts down your food expenses with an average noodle dish costing between $1.75 and $3 depending.

For breakfas, why not try Bor Bor, Khmer rice porridge, often with fish or chicken. Not only is is delicious, but it often comes in at under $2 with free tea.

Cambodia’s Budget Accommodations

Cambodia boasts a range of budget-friendly accommodations. From hostels in Siem Reap to guesthouses in Kampot, there’s an affordable option for every traveler. Many offer free Wi-Fi, breakfast, and even a pool to cool off after a day of exploration. Remember, booking in advance can often secure you a better deal. You can secure a comfortable bed in a shared dorm for as little as $10, and even a private room at some guest houses for $15.

If your willing to sleep in a room without AC, sometimes the price can be as much as $5 cheaper.

Explore Free Attractions, Experience Cambodian Life

Phnom Penh at night - Discovering Cambodia on a budget

Cambodia is rich in experiences that don’t cost a dime. Stroll through the bustling markets of Phnom Penh, witness the mesmerizing sunset at the Angkor Wat complex, or soak in the local culture at a village festival. These experiences offer a deep dive into Cambodia’s heritage without the price tag.

Strolling along the river in Siem Reap enjoying a fresh fruit shake from Angkor Shake (highly recommended) or renting a bike from Angkor Cycling Tour for $7 to visit the beautiful West Boray, is mindblowing.

Travel During Off-Peak Seasons

Timing is everything. Traveling during the off-peak season (May to early October) Discovering Cambodia on a budget. Accommodations are cheaper, attractions are less crowded, and you might just find that serene spot all to yourself. It’s rainy season, but the sun still shines and it’s warm and full of its own charm.

Bargain Wisely

Bargaining is part of the shopping experience in Cambodia. Whether you’re buying souvenirs at Old Market in Siem Reap or haggling for a tuk-tuk ride, a polite negotiation can save you a few dollars. It’s also a fun way to interact with locals!

At the market, expect prices to come down 30 to 50%.

Utilize Travel Apps and Online Resources

Apart from Camboticket for transportation, leverage apps and websites for deals on accommodations, dining, and experiences. Platforms like, TripAdvisor and Lonely Planet offer great insights and reviews to help you make informed choices.

As mentioned before ride hailing apps are useful for discovering Cambodia on a budget and booking tuk-tuks to get around locally.

Pack Smart

Essentials like sunscreen, insect repellent, comfortable shoes, hat, sunglasses and a bottle of water are a must.

There will be plenty of coconut vendors and small shops dotted about, but as a tourist it definitely helps to keep your costs down if you are carrying a bottle of water!

Stay Connected Affordably

Opt for a local SIM card for your communication needs. They’re inexpensive and offer generous data packages, keeping you connected without breaking the bank. The most popular networks are Smart, Cellcard and Metfone.

At time of writing Smart offered a package for $8 which provides free national calls and 80gb of data valid for 30 days.

Stay Safe

Cambodia is generally a safe country, however there is opportunistic crime such as theft of personal items.

The following should keep you safe:

  • It is advisable to keep your possessions secure, and hold on to bags in tuk tuks and when walking donw the street.
  • Do not get blackout drunk and go out in groups
  • Do not walk down dark streets by yourself in areas outside of the tourist zones
  • Don’t use mobiles on dark streets at night.

There are several scams to avoid:

  • Avoid visiting orphanages, or teaching at schools for a day, this is charity tourism
  • Avoid people begging with children asking you to buy them formula milk
  • Do not buy drugs off the street as this might lead to an arrest and an expensive bribe

Otherwise give charitably at your own discretion.

Living not skimping

Discovering Cambodia on a budget doesn’t mean skimping on experiences. With a little planning and some smart choices, you can immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Cambodian life, culture, and natural beauty, all while keeping your expenses low. So pack your bags, embrace the adventure, and let Cambodia enchant you, economically and experientially!