Battambang to Siem Reap: The Best Way to Travel

What are the available transportation options from Battambang to Siem Reap?

There exist multiple transportation options available which include bus, taxi, shared taxi, and private car. It’s important to consider your budget, travel time, and comfort preferences when choosing which one to use. Camboticket also has the best options for these routes by bus or taxi.


How long does it take to travel from Battambang to Siem Reap?

From Battambang to Siem Reap is around 200km. It will take from three to four hours, depending on the mode of transportation you choose. But it will be faster than if you travel by private taxi, whereas a private car or taxi takes only two to three hours. Camboticket has all trip information about boarding and arrival point, duration, bus or taxi type, schedule and price for this route.

Is it safe to travel from Battambang to Siem Reap?

Battambang and Siem Reap are popular destinations for tourists and it is said both of these two provinces have many special places to visit. So traveling from Battambang to Siem Reap is very safe for all the travelers. However, it’s important to take precautions and stay aware of your surroundings, particularly when using public transportation. While booking your transportation, prefer a reputed company like Camboticket where customer safety is our top priority. 

Can I book my transportation in advance?

Nowadays, most travelers who want to travel or have the trip with their team, friends, family, will choose to book the ticket in advance. So they will have the time to double check all information related to the place that they prefer to visit. Camboticket  is an online ticketing agency that is the best option to provide any transportation service on the platform, with a lot of bus or ferry companies in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand. It is a helpful transportation platform to guide you on your trip on domestic and international roads. So booking the ticket in advance is the best choice for the traveler. 

Most travelers who enter Cambodia from Thailand by bus will cross the border at Poipet. Once on this route, the first stop on the tourist circuit is Battambang, Cambodia’s second largest city. Battambang is a sleepy city set on the banks of the Sangker River. It is famous for its French Colonial architecture, mountaintop temples and as being the place where tourists in Cambodia can ride the bamboo train, called the Norry locally. It is also less than 100km away from Siem Reap and the world famous Angkor Wat.

Battambang bamboo train or Norry

So near yet so far

When I heard that the distance between Battambang and Siem Reap are less than 100km apart, I thought it would be a relatively straightforward and fast journey. It’s not. Due to the lack of a direct road between the two it takes an approximately 3 to 4 hours depending on your choice of bus. However, if you chose a company that is popular with locals, they often stop to pick up and drop off people along the way and you could end up taking 4+ hours to get to Siem Reap. These buses cost between $9-12 depending on the company you chose.

Angkor Wat main temple reflected in the water in a beautiful summer sunrise. Cambodia

To book your travel from Battambang to Siem Reap on the Virak Butham or Go Ho Travel. please head over to

You can view a few pictures from the trip to Siem Reap below.

Written by Michael Watson as part of the CamboTicket traveler memoir section. Michael is an expat living in Cambodia and is an avid traveler.