Street Art of Phnom Penh: A Vibrant Urban Canvas

Street Art of Phnom Penh - Boeung Kak Lake's Street 93

Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s bustling capital, is not only known for its historical landmarks and dynamic culture but also for its vibrant street art scene. The street art of Phnom Penh has become a symbol of the city’s evolving cultural landscape, reflecting social issues, celebrating Khmer heritage, and showcasing contemporary creativity.

The Rise of Street Art in Phnom Penh

Street art Phnom Penh

In recent years, Phnom Penh has flourished as the capital of Cambodia’s street art scene, with both local and international artists transforming the city’s walls into colorful canvases. This movement has brought new life to the urban environment, making the city a vibrant outdoor gallery.

Must-Visit Street Art Locations

  1. Boeung Kak Lake (Street 93) Boeung Kak Lake’s Street 93 has become a central hub for Phnom Penh’s street art. The area is adorned with murals that capture the spirit and history of the community, offering a poignant and colorful backdrop.
  2. Bassac Lane Known for its nightlife, Bassac Lane is also a hotspot for street art. The murals here feature a mix of traditional Khmer motifs and modern designs, making it a great place to explore the city’s artistic expressions.
  3. Factory Phnom Penh This creative hub is home to some of the best street art in the city. The industrial setting provides a unique canvas for large-scale murals, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts.
  4. Samdach Sothearos Blvd Near Meta House, this area showcases murals that highlight Phnom Penh’s artistic diversity. The artworks often address social themes, offering a thought-provoking glimpse into the city’s urban culture.


The street art in Phnom Penh is a dynamic and evolving aspect of the city’s cultural scene. From the murals of Boeung Kak Lake to the creative spaces of Factory Phnom Penh, there is much to explore and enjoy. Plan your visit with to make the most of your street art adventure in Phnom Penh and visit Cambodia’s other treasures, such as Siem Reap and the beaches Koh Rong. Enjoy the vibrant urban canvas and the stories it tells.

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