Traditional Khmer Dance: Where to Watch in Cambodia

Traditional Khmer dance is a captivating and integral part of Cambodia’s cultural heritage. Its intricate movements, elaborate costumes, and expressive storytelling make it a mesmerizing experience for both locals and visitors.

The two most well known dances are the Robam Chuon Por (“Wishing dance”) and the Robam Tep Apsara (“Apsara dance”). If you’re eager to immerse yourself in this beautiful art form, here’s where you can watch and learn in Cambodia.

Watch Traditional Khmer Dance in Siem Reap

Siem Reap, home to the magnificent Angkor Wat, is also a hub for Cambodian traditional art performances. Many venues in the city offer nightly shows that provide a glimpse into Cambodia’s rich cultural history. One of the most popular places to watch traditional Khmer dance is the Angkor Village Apsara Theatre, where skilled dancers perform the classical Apsara dance, inspired by the celestial dancers depicted on the walls of Angkor temples.

Another excellent venue is the Phare, The Cambodian Circus, which combines traditional dance with modern circus arts to tell compelling stories of Cambodian life and history. This unique blend of performance styles offers an unforgettable experience for audiences of all ages.

Bambu Stage mixes traditional dance with shadow puppetry to create beautiful artistic shows. During the day it is possible to book classes to learn how to create the intricate shadow puppets.

Watch Traditional Khmer Dance in Phnom Penh

In Phnom Penh, the Sovanna Phum Art Association  offers weekend performances of Cambodian Mask Dance and Shadow Puppet Theater and also hosts classes that cater to both locals and tourists in mask making and dancing. Here, you can learn from professional instructors who are well-versed in the traditional techniques and rhythms of Khmer dance.

Experience Traditional Khmer Dance in Battambang

Battambang, known for its artistic community, is another destination where you can experience traditional Khmer dance. The Phare Ponleu Selpak school offers dance performances and workshops that highlight the cultural richness of the region. Visitors can watch students perform and even participate in dance classes, making it a wonderful way to support local arts education while learning something new.

Explore Khmer Dance with

Experiencing Khmer dance in Cambodia, will give you a deeper appreciation for the country’s rich cultural heritage. From the enchanting performances in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh to the interactive workshops in Battambang, there are endless opportunities to immerse yourself in this beautiful art form.

Whether you’re looking to watch a mesmerizing performance or learn the intricate steps, Cambodia offers numerous opportunities to engage with this living cultural art form. Book your experiences and travel with With a variety of travel options, including buses, ferries, and private taxis, ensures a safe and easy journey.

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